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Open Enrollment

Barb Sturgis, Administrative Assistant


Madison Local Schools Open Enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year will be open from April 1st thru April 30th.  The  link to the online form is below. It will be active starting April 1st at 8 a.m. for the purpose of applying for open enrollment.  We do not anticipate many (if any) new openings, but we will accept new applications in the event seats become available. 


All current open enrolled students MUST submit an application each year.

Madison Local School District allows parents/guardians to apply to enroll their children in Madison Elementary, Madison Middle and Madison High School rather than their district of residence by completing an open enrollment application and being approved by the Madison Local School District.

New students having siblings already in the Madison Local School District will have preference over other new students, but will have applications approved in the same manner as other students.

High school students who transfer school districts through open enrollment must follow Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) rules for participating on athletic teams. Typically, athletic eligibility is determined by the school in which the student is attending during their 9th grade year. OHSAA rules for transfer and athletic eligibility are very specific and must be followed by law.

Open Enrollment Guidelines

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