District News
District News
Legislative Committee Meeting
Madison’s Legislative Committee will be meeting on Thursday, April 11th from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the Board of Education office. The community is encouraged to attend.
Policy, Safety, and Curriculum Committee Meeting
Madison’s Policy, Safety, and Curriculum Committee will be meeting on Thursday, April 11th from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm at the Board of Education office. The community is encouraged to attend.
Location Change - March Board Meeting
The location of the March regular Board of Education meeting has been changed to the Board of Education office.
Date Change - March Board Meeting
March Board Meeting
The date of the March regular Board of Education meeting has been changed to Tuesday, March 19th.
Medical/Mental Health Committee Meeting
Medical/Mental Health Committee
Madison’s Medical/Mental Health Committee will be meeting on Monday, March 11th from 6:40 pm to 7:40 pm at the Board of Education office. The community is encouraged ...
Music/Arts Committee Meeting
Music/Arts Committee
Madison’s Music/Arts Committee will be meeting on Monday, March 11th from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm at the Board of Education office. The community is encouraged to attend.
March 1st ACT Testing
On Friday, March 1 all Juniors will be taking the State required ACT at school until noon. Juniors will remain at school until 2:30 pm to ride their normal bus home. If you would permit your Junior ...
Building & Grounds Committee Meeting
Building & Grounds Committee
Madison’s Building & Grounds Committee will be meeting on Monday, March 4th from 6:40 pm to 7:40 pm at the Board of Education office. The community is encouraged to atte...
Athletic Committee Meeting
Athletic Committee
Madison’s Athletic Committee will be meeting on Monday, March 4th from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm at the Board of Education office. The community is encouraged to attend.