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Showing Entries with tag "Back to school"

Please see the following link for Ohio Department of Health's new quarantine guidelines for K-12 students:

COVID-19 Fact Sheet

We are getting close to starting another school year here at Madison! Please read below for the specifics on start dates for each building. 

Madison Elementary School:

  • Smart Start & Kindergarten S...
There will be a Special Board Meeting August 9, 2021 in the high school auditorium.
The purpose of this meeting is to have a parent forum with Mr. Staggs on the topic of back-to-school procedures ...
IMPORTANT- This will be communicated in email and on our website and communicated at SMART START! This is for parents to prepare!
There is a change that will impact the start date for st...
School Reopening poster with people on sign wearing mask

This section will be updated as parents/guardians have specific questions regarding re-opening!  We have published a FAQ regarding reopening in this District News section! After reading that document,...

The Madison Local Schools Board of Education will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, July 7, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. in the Performing Arts Center. At the meeting we will discuss the re-opening plans for th...

Madison Local Schools is proud to announce that we will be starting school in August! Elementary parents will participate in Smart Start August 13-18. Middle School and High School will host Smart Sta...

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